Thursday 22 October 2009

What Manner Of Men?

According to R.H. Barrow, Roman men "would willingly be judged by their history, for to them history meant deeds". Res gestae, the Latin term for history, literally means 'things done'. Here is my most recent res gestae - judge away.

Earl Grey and cupcakes with special girls...
appreciation of the way peppermint tea makes your mouth feel...
pretty boys in plaid riding red bicycles...
funny tummy-rumbling in the library...
doughnuts and a rum hurricane...
wet hair and bedsocks...
squirrel spotting and pigeon watching...
excessive consumption of the work of Frank O'Hara...
a freshly made bed...
Mansfield Park...
pumpkin seed crispbreads slathered in peanut butter and strawberry jam...

Sadly, none of these can erase the fact that I have a 750 word gobbet to write for tomorrow.

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