Thursday 11 June 2009

Lazy Hazy Crazy

The past week or so has been peppered with more cocktails than you can shake a fist at, exciting food ventures (my favourite was the vegan Thai soup with sesame noodles), helping to babysit a beautiful boy, lots of animals and a surprise home visit from big sis.

X-Y-Z Cocktail that gets Mum going;
1 measure Bacardi
1 measure Triple Sec
1 measure lemon juice
1 measure sugar syrup

Shake with ice and top up with orange juice.

Big Sis Does a Spanish Omlette;
1 onion
1 clove garlic
sprinkkle dinkle of oregano
1 cup sweetcorn
1 cup podded peas
1 pepper
2 pork Sausages
4 Rashers of Bacon snipped into slices
6 new potatoes (sliced)
12 eggs
Block of Creamy Lanashire cheese

Fry onions, garlic and oregano 'til onion is soft. Boil the peas and poatoes separately, both these ingredients need to be par-boiled so the peas are fresh and potatoes don't fall to bits. Roast the peppers and sausages in the oven in the meantime. In another frying pan, cook the bacon. Prepare the eggs = crack them out and whisk out so not a yolk is left visible. When the pepper and sausage are cooked, peel and slice.
Now take the potatoes and add to the onions (which are now back on the heat) and spinkles the other ingredients (except cheese) in a thin layer making sure you get a bit of sausage in all areas. Cover with a layer of egg. Repeat so you have done two layers , finished off with the cheese. Cook throughly from beneath and then switch to grill to cook the top layer. Salt and pepper. Slice like a pizza and eat with ketchup and some fresh peas left over. LUSH.

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